hari ni aku nak kongsi link je.. aku tak berapa nak sehat...enjoy!
1.suka diskaun???betul ni?? jangan miss ni...
2. suka jus buah yang segar bugar???nak awet muda?? try ni...
Get fresh juicy fruits RM50 worth for RM25:
1. Delivered to your doorstep now (via phone / online order)
2. Redeem at MBG Fruits The Gardens Mid Valley or via phone or online order.
1. Delivered to your doorstep now (via phone / online order)
2. Redeem at MBG Fruits The Gardens Mid Valley or via phone or online order.
Have a fruitful day and feast on fresh, juicy fruits from MBG fruits for 25RM instead of 50RM!
3. nak buat baik??nak orang tolong kita??? baca ni..
Caramel is a movement - to give Malaysians a chance to help their fellow Malaysians.
It's a platform for those who are in need of help and those who would like to help.
First, you just have to register and tell us what you need and we will help from there.
Tell your friends and spread this good word!
Let's sweeten lives together with Caramel!